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Generally, when we talk about fasting, we are talking about intermittent fasting, and the function is often to lose weight.  What this mechanism does is reduce overall caloric intake, so by definition, if you reduce calories, there may be a resultant weight loss. We say ‘may’ because weight loss isn’t always that simple, there are many other factors at play like genes, microbiome composition, and more.

There are also many who tout fasting for metabolic health and that it offers a range of benefits to optimise overall health. There are also many who tout fasting for metabolic health and that it offers a range of benefits to optimise overall health.

Like most things in life, it perhaps isn’t that simple, so let’s take a look at fasting, the science and what the data says. 


Vitamin D can be thought of like the MVP; you will find teeny receptors in the brain, skeletal muscle, our immune cells, and more! When it plays such wide-ranging roles throughout the body, it’s easy to see why most of us are recommended to supplement Vitamin D on a daily basis and why deficiency has been associated with depression to increased severity of respiratory infection!


Here at InstructorLive, we look at the data. So we thought we’d look at whether sweeteners are all they’re cracked up to be, and for those who demonise them, is that warranted either?

Let’s take a look at the truth behind sweeteners.


But when slight changes to our blood’s composition can actually be fatal, is this something that we want to achieve, or even can?

Let’s take a look at the alkaline diet and whether it’s all it’s cracked up to be. 


Here at Instructor Live, we wanted to look at this idea in a little more detail. We want to know if cholesterol is as bad as we are led to believe and if we do need to keep those levels low, how do we do it?


We all want to optimise our health as much as possible, and we can feel a little betrayed by our bodies when we get sick. Of course, sleep and appropriate exercise are also key in supporting our bodies. However, there are immune boosting foods that can be key in our health.

The short answer is yes.

First let’s take a look at what the immune system is, how it works and then our top foods to support it!
