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How to have a calm Christmas

Christmas is definitely an exciting and magical time of the year but it can also be quite stressful and rushed! Here are some of our top tips for keeping your calm this Christmas.

Write out a list

Who else is guilty of still having presents to buy on Christmas eve? Me too…! In terms of shopping for presents and indeed food, you don’t have to leave it until the last minute. You still have time to have a prepared Christmas. Write out a list and start ticking off the items that you need to buy – remember, a lot of the food you’ll eat on Christmas day can be bought in advance.

Don’t do it all

If you’re cooking a big Christmas dinner for the family, it’s not unreasonable to ask for some help. Ask your in-laws to sort dessert and your parents the starter – it doesn’t all have to fall on you!

Take some time out

It can feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to get the house clean, wrap the presents (or buy them!) and cook the dinner but you do and it will get done. Take some time out for you and do some Yoga or just sit in a quiet room and relax. This will calm you down and keep stress at bay.

Cash only shopping

This time of year can hit your bank balance hard which can be very stressful in itself. A great tip is to leave all your cards at home and take out a certain amount of cash and only spend this. You have more of an idea of what you’re spending and are more organised when it comes to shopping.

Do something you love!

Christmas is my favourite time of year and because of all the rushing around, I find that sometimes I forget to enjoy it! Schedule some time in the weeks/days coming up to Christmas to do something that you love. Whether that’s ice skating, watching a Christmas movie, or going to a spa – treat yourself!


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