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How to Ease your Muscle Soreness

That dreaded moment….your alarm goes off and it’s time to assess just how sore your muscles are from your workout the day before. DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness) can make you feel like you’ve been hit by a bus (Maybe a little dramatic?) and can typically last between 3-5 days. Keep reading to find out more about DOMS and how to help ease it a little.

What is DOMS?

Delayed onset muscle soreness, describes that achy, stiff, and sometimes painful feeling in your muscles that begins a day or two after exercising. It’s common when you start an exercise routine, if you make your normal routine harder or if you use muscles that you don’t frequently use. The cause of DOMS is still debated amongst sports scientists but most do agree that it is due to tiny microscopic tears in muscle fibers that in turn, release chemical irritants that trigger inflammation. (Ouch!)

How can I treat DOMS? 

There is no 100% effective treatment of DOMS. There are some things you can do to help relieve the symptoms of your muscle soreness and some things will help individuals more than others. DOMS doesn’t usually require you to see a doctor but if you are feeling increasingly unwell or the pain becomes severe then it’s wise to seek medical advice.

Here are some things that can help prevent muscle soreness and may relieve symptoms a little afterward:

1. Nutrition

Eating fresh and nutritious food is essential in helping your body recover after a workout (and just in general life!) Eat at least two hours after a workout (preferably as soon as possible) to give yourself enough time to efficiently absorb the nutrients that are necessary for your body after a workout. Protein is particularly good in aiding muscle repair and recovery. A great post-workout meal is quinoa with chicken and vegetables as it provides you with a good combination of carbohydrates and protein.

2. Move

The last thing you want to think about when you’re achy and sore is to do more exercise but sitting on the sofa all day won’t help you feel any better. Try and get outside for a walk or take part in a yoga class this will help prevent your muscles from getting stiffer and might also take your mind off it.

3. Foam rolling

Foam rolling will help you relieve muscle tension and soreness in your muscles. It’s best to grab a foam roller after you workout. It won’t necessarily be a pleasant feeling because you are giving yourself a deep tissue massage and helping to move inflammatory fluids from your muscles as well as aiding the removal of sore and tight spots.

4. Be consistent in your fitness

Try and work out around three times a week. You will find that as you become more used to exercise that your muscles will recover faster they will become more conditioned. You will notice your muscles hurting more if you are sporadic and inconsistent in your fitness regime.


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