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Exercise Whiz Quiz

Are you an Exercise Whiz Kid? Think you know all there is to know about the ins-and-outs of exercise? Why not put your knowledge to test and take part in our Exercise Whiz Quiz. You never know, you might even surprise yourself and learn a thing or two! So grab a pen and paper, mark down your answers and check them at the end.

True or false Exercise Whiz:

Question 1: Music boosts endurance levels during exercise.
Question 2: The more you sweat during a workout the more fat the body is burning.
Question 3: 100g of muscle weighs more than 100g of fat.
Question 4: Exercise releases endorphins in the brain altering your mood.
Question 5: Exercise helps ward off disease.
Question 6: 6% more men than women exercise regularly.
Question 7: Avid swimmers have a 30% lower mortality rate than walkers, runners and people who don’t exercise at all.
Question 8: Dancing is not a form of exercise.
Question 9: Yoga can benefit your heart.
Question 10: Exercise slows down the healing process.


Question 1: True

Why is that?
Absolutely! It’s a proven fact that music enables you to work out harder and for longer. Music can actually improve your workout by up to 15%. So turn up the volume and increase your exercise endurance. Did you know… that the Run to the Beat London Half Marathon featured several music stations along the route to encourage runners and help them achieve their maximum potential – how cool is that!

Question 2: False

Why is that?
Sweating is your body trying to maintain a normal body temperature. Therefore “The amount you sweat is indicative of your body’s ability to maintain its normal body temperature. You sweat when your body starts to store heat so you can experience cooling via evaporation of that sweat. So it doesn’t correlate to how much energy, or calories, is being expended.”

Question 3: False

Why is that?
Did we get you with our trick question? Of course 100g is a 100g regardless of whether the 100g is of fat or muscle. The real truth is, muscle is denser and takes up a smaller amount of space in the body than fat does. In fact, scientists estimate that 1 kilo of muscle occupies about 22% less space than 1 kilo of fat!

Question 4: True

Why is that?
Absolutely! Physical activity improves your mood, well-being and self-esteem, while decreasing anxiety, depression and stress.

Question 5: True

Why is that?
You bet-cha it’s true! Countless studies and research has shown that regular exercise can reduce the risk and even help prevent a stroke by 27%, reduce the incidence of high-blood pressure by 40%, lower the risk of colon cancer by 60%, reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by approximately 40% and hence reduce the incidence of diabetes by a whopping 50%.

Question 6: True

Why is that?
Sadly ladies, it’s true. More men are working out than women. But listen up, we are not doomed to be couch potatoes, prove these studies wrong, get up off the couch, put the kids to bed and give yourself some much needed ‘me time’. Exercise your worries and waistline away.

Question 7: False

Why is that?
It’s even more shocking, it’s 50%! Crazy right! A public Health study carried out in South Caroline found that keen male swimmers (I know how that sounds) lower their mortality rate by a huge 50% in comparison to runners, walkers and the non-active.

Question 8: False

Why is that?
Because Dancing is an amazing cardio workout. Completing a high intensity hour-long dance class can see you burn as much as 1000 calories. So bust a move and get your heart pumping! Join one of our beloved dance classes such as Afro-Beats, DanceFit or La Bomba.

Question 9: True

Why is that?
Absolutely, Yoga combines stretching, breathing, and relaxation, all of which benefit your heart. Did you know that stress is a major risk factor for heart disease? Therefore, combat this by practicing yoga regularly, reduce your stress levels and lower your risk for heart disease.

Question 10: False

Why is that?
We sure do hope you all got this one correct. Exercise is almost always a part of the prescription for recovery as it actually helps speed up the healing process. Furthermore, exercise provides our body with an increased amount of oxygen, which also aids the healing process. The fact is that someone who exercises regularly will actually have a faster recovery time from illness, injury or even surgery in comparison to someone who is a common couch potato.


10/10 = 100% Perception, a true Exercise Whiz Kid!
9/10 = Just below perfection, you are a Workout Whiz!
8/10 = Oh so close! Well done you Exercise Junky!
7/10 = An admirable effort, Knowledgeable Nelly!
6/10 = Well done, you just scraped in Timmy Toe The Line!  
5/10 = 50%, a good effort Average Joe!
4/10 = Ok you slipped up – to say the least, Well Done Wally!
3/10 = Ouch – brush up on your skills Brush up Barry!
2/10 = Classification – Couch Potato! 
1/10 = Let’s just pretend this didn’t happen Mr. Cellophane! 


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